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Let me introduce myself, I’m Gabriela. I do love to workout and I was struggling to find comfortable and nice looking gym clothes. Then I decide to go search in Brazil, the place I’m from and I found the Brazilian leggings. The gym clothes in Brazil are made with so much quality, designed to be comfortable and a lot of style, without saying that attend every shape of body. So I started to ask friends that was going to Brazil to bring me some gym clothes and no joke every women that see me at the gym stopped me to ask where was that outfit from!! This helped me to come up with the idea of sell it. I started my business with only 10 pieces only to try and see what people would think. And thankfully they loved and after 2 years I can have a full store and can attend all US territory!I also want to say that I love my  business because I can provide quality gym clothes to my clients plus self-confidence to be beautiful and comfortable at the same time. They can also use the clothes to go out mixing with regular pieces and come up beautifully!I want to invite you to be part of my wonderful woman team ❤

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